Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Israel Announces Daily Tactical Pause for Gaza Aid Route Amid Ongoing Conflict

  • IDF to implement daily pauses on aid routes to facilitate humanitarian efforts.
  • Prime Minister Netanyahu was unaware of the pause before its announcement.
  • UNRWA reports severe malnutrition among Gaza’s children, requiring urgent aid.

The Israel Defense Forces have instituted a daily “tactical pause” along a specific aid route into Gaza to allow for increased humanitarian aid. This pause, taking place from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., aims to address the dire needs of Gaza’s civilians amid ongoing conflict.

Despite the tactical pause, intense fighting continues in Rafah, a southern Gazan town. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant were reportedly not briefed on this decision, leading to Netanyahu expressing his disapproval and clarifying that the overall military strategy remains unchanged.

Humanitarian Pause in Gaza: Daily Aid Corridor Established by IDF

The IDF’s decision to implement a daily tactical pause aims to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza. The designated route stretches from the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the Salah al-Din Road.

Prime Minister Netanyahu was surprised by the announcement, as he had not been briefed beforehand. His subsequent inquiry confirmed that there was no overall change in military policy.

Fighting in Rafah continues unabated, with Israeli forces intensifying their operations. This town has seen significant destruction and casualties, adding to the overall toll of the conflict.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is critical, with the UNRWA highlighting the acute malnutrition affecting 50,000 children. Immediate aid is necessary to address these severe health concerns.

The introduction of a daily tactical pause for aid in Gaza represents a critical effort to alleviate the humanitarian crisis, even as intense fighting continues. The situation remains complex, with ongoing military operations and urgent humanitarian needs.

“There is no cessation of fighting in the southern Gaza Strip, and the fighting in Rafah continues.”

– IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari

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