Middle EastStock Market03/06/2023Saudi Bourse Rises on the Non-Oil Activity By Mathew Anderson On Sunday, the Saudi Arabian stock market continued to rise thanks to strong results and encouraging…Read more 0 994 6 Share
BusinessMiddle East02/28/2023Donations for Ukraine People from the Ashfield Firefighters By Karan Lankesh Firemen from Kirkby’s Ashfield Fire Station combined efforts with Huthwaite-based…Read more 0 997 5 Share
Middle East02/19/2023In Syria the US Captured Islamic State Leader By Ahmed Fardan Helicopter-borne US troops working with Syrian Kurdish-drove powers on Saturday caught an Islamic…Read more 0 1134 5 Share
Middle East02/19/2023Strike from Israel to the Syrian Capital Damascus By Aafiya Begum An Israeli strike killed 15 individuals and obliterated a private structure in the Syrian capital of…Read more 0 1013 7 Share
Middle East02/10/2023Saudi Arabia Displayed the Reconstructed Face of a 2000-Year-Old Woman By Ahmed Fardan Following quite a while of work by scholars of history and archeologists, Saudi Arabia has uncovered…Read more 0 1030 9 Share
Middle EastNatural Disaster02/09/2023Scientific Reason for the Earthquake in the Turkey and Syria By Walter Blitzer The Earthquake in Turkey has shaken the world with crumbling buildings and people suffering from…Read more 0 1020 8 Share
Middle EastWorld02/07/2023Nearly 5,000 Deaths in the Turkey and Syria Earthquake By Karan Lankesh God in Turkey and Syria crushed indurating obscurity, post-quake temblors, and imploding structures…Read more 0 1112 7 Share
Middle East02/06/2023Earthquakes in Turkey Killed 76 People and 400 were Injured By Neil Budde A 7.8 size seismic tremor hit Turkey on Monday followed by one more solid shock which was felt in a…Read more 0 1121 7 Share
Middle EastPolitics02/03/2023There is a Heavy Conflict Between Israel and Palestine Now By Hoshi A winding of savagery is nothing new. A progression of occurrences has brought the Israel-Palestine…Read more 0 1144 6 Share
EuropeMiddle East02/02/2023The UK was Not Sending their Jets to Ukraine for Now By Vidharth Sharma The English government has forestalled transferring legionnaire airplanes to Ukraine for…Read more 0 1007 9 Share
Middle EastPoliticsWorld01/12/2023Human Rights Wants to Help the Refugees of the Ukraine By Suchitra Rather Basic liberties Watch on January 12, 2023, hailed the worldwide reaction to Russia‘s attack on…Read more 0 1558 14 Share
Middle EastPolitics01/03/2023Ben Gvir Minister of the Israel Visits Al-Aqsa Mosque By Shahina Amir Israel‘s limited right troublemaker Itamar Ben-Gvir visited Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque…Read more 0 1232 8 Share
JobsLatest NewsMiddle East01/03/2023Saudi Arabia Companies Increased their Job Opportunities in 5 Years By Sandhiya Ramachandran Saudi Arabia saw the most rested expansion in work in truly nearly five times indeed as business…Read more 0 1140 10 Share
DubaiMiddle EastTrendingWorld01/02/2023UAE's Fireworks Display in New Year's Eve Celebration By Neil Budde The Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah in the UAE introduced the New Year in unbelievable style with an…Read more 0 1267 15 Share
IndiaMiddle EastPoliticsWorld12/28/2022Volodymyr Zelensky Trusts India can Do More for Peace By Sandhiya Ramachandran Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday let his country know that “India can be more…Read more 0 1216 15 Share