Monday, 29 April 2024

A Tesla employee was detained after making threats  

  • Justin McCauley was arrested in Texas on charges of threatening to carry out a terrorist attack.
  • Following McCauley’s threats to kill Biden and Musk, authorities were alerted.
  • The problem got worse when McCauley left his phone behind.

A 31-year-old Minnesotan employee of Tesla named Justin McCauley was arrested in Texas on charges of threatening to carry out a terrorist attack against US President Joe Biden and billionaire Elon Musk.

Following McCauley’s threats to kill Biden and Musk in his online pronouncements, authorities were alerted and swift law enforcement action was taken.

Tesla employee

His wife called Rogers Police after he experienced several strange encounters and warning signs on his trip from Minnesota to Texas. The problem got worse when McCauley left his phone behind.

He declared his desire to speak with the US President when he was stopped by Oklahoman law officials on January 26 while he was crossing state boundaries. Important concerns over his motives and mental state were raised by his enigmatic comment, “Wouldn’t you want to talk to the president if you knew you were going to die tomorrow?”

When McCauley got to Austin, Texas, he kept up his combative demeanor, as local authorities detained him while he was trying to get to the Tesla Gigafactory to talk to Elon Musk.

The Tesla Gigafactory reported receiving a threat call, which made the situation much more concerning. The time and circumstances added to the seriousness of the situation, even though it is unknown if McCauley was the reason behind this call.

The incident involving McCauley’s arrest serves as a reminder of the dangers associated with threatening prominent figures and the gravity of the response from law enforcement when faced with such actions. Uncertainties about McCauley’s intentions and mental state persist throughout the court proceedings, in addition to the broader context of safety worries for well-known figures such as Elon Musk.

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