CanadaTechnologyTravel12/27/2023Ottawa joins the global movement via facial recognition technology By Aafiya Begum A Public Safety Canada officer asked his government to back an interesting Air Canada pilot…Read more 0 614 20 Share
AutomobilesCanada12/24/2023The EV incentive program in Ottawa is considering embracing used cars By Vidharth Sharma The goal of the federal government’s investigation is to “see if it is feasible to…Read more 0 646 19 Share
CanadaLive12/22/2023Gazan nationals' extended families will be welcomed in Canada By Christopher Jones Canada will host the extended families of its citizens living in Gaza for a maximum of 3…Read more 0 542 22 Share
CanadaTravel12/20/2023Immigration issues in Australia, the UK, and Canada By Punya Kapoor Canada and Australia are implementing measures to limit immigration intake. Both countries aim to…Read more 0 699 18 Share
CanadaGames12/18/2023Political activist slams Canadian PM after O'Canada's controversial Punjabi interpretation at NHL game By Aafiya Begum The group performing O’Canada’s composition in Punjabi included school children from…Read more 0 685 20 Share
CanadaLatest News12/15/2023Free menstrual supplies must now be available to employees in federally regulated workplaces By Karan Lankesh Ettinger is the founder of Her for Her, a community organization that focuses on health education…Read more 0 737 19 Share
CanadaPolitics12/13/2023"Final touches" are needed on a significant federal housing deal By Hoshi Mark Sutcliffe is upbeat about the likelihood that the city will get millions in federal funding to…Read more 0 512 19 Share
CanadaPolitics12/12/2023Tax on Netflix and Other Foreign Digital Services Companies By Punya Kapoor The majority of those organizations are situated in the U.S. Be that as it may, confirmation…Read more 0 597 21 Share
CanadaEducationWeather12/09/2023Climate Change Education in Canada is Just a Patchwork By Mi cha Across purviews, there’s irregularity where the point appears in the educational…Read more 0 778 22 Share
CanadaEducation12/08/2023In the Last Five Years, 403 Indian Students Died at Abroad By Christopher Jones Other than Canada, different nations where the demise of Indian understudies is high are the UK…Read more 0 553 17 Share
CanadaEducation12/08/2023The financial need for international students is doubled by the Government of Canada By Mi cha Canada has announced a significant change in its immigration regulations, affecting those who wish…Read more 0 1068 22 Share
CanadaCryptoCrypto Exchange12/07/2023Canadian crypto exchanges By Mi cha WonderFi is currently one of Canada’s largest digital asset operators. Bitbuy and…Read more 0 587 22 Share
CanadaWorkers12/06/2023The Mayor of Montreal Collapsed and Sat Down in a Conference By Ajmal Khan Assistants immediately took care of her, and, momentarily, Ms Plante rested her head on one…Read more 0 487 17 Share
CanadaEducation12/05/202340% decrease in Indian applications for study permits in Canada By Coletta Andrews India’s applications to study in Canada have decreased by 40% in the second half of…Read more 0 630 22 Share
CanadaFinance12/04/2023The National Bank of Canada reports strong Q4 results By Punya Kapoor A 7% increase in pre-tax pre-provision earnings as indicated by the National Bank of…Read more 0 476 19 Share