PoliticsAfrica06/06/2024A key meeting of South Africa's president's party is held over how to form a new government By Mi cha Historic Shift: ANC loses its 30-year majority, prompting urgent talks on forming a new…Read more 0 488 22 Share
AfricaFishing06/05/2024International fisheries agreements to be reviewed by Senegal, threatening EU access By Shahina Amir Senegal proposes review of fisheries agreements to tackle overfishing and IUU concerns. EU faces…Read more 0 427 16 Share
EconomyAfrica06/03/2024Strikes, Shutdowns, and Soaring Inflation: Nigeria's Economic Turmoil Unveiled By Baqee Ali Nigeria‘s largest labor unions initiate strikes demanding higher wages amidst record…Read more 0 638 22 Share
AfricaAgriculture05/25/2024Next Month Africa's Young Agritech Innovators Will Meet Together By Christopher Jones Champs from AYuTe public contests in a few nations will be at the meeting to seek top local…Read more 0 577 25 Share
TechnologyAfricaEvents05/22/2024Continent's Largest Influential Tech and Start-Up Event GITEX AFRICA 2024 is Coming By Shahina Amir GITEX AFRICA 2024 (www.GITEXAFRICA.com), the landmass’ biggest and most compelling tech and…Read more 0 588 28 Share
WorldAfrica05/14/202476 million individuals were internally displaced in their nations By Srinath Baipai The number of IDPs has nearly doubled over the last ten years. 75.9 million people were…Read more 0 401 13 Share
BusinessAfrica05/11/2024Tanzania and Uganda are preparing for their second business forum By Lester Shuli The 2nd Uganda-Tanzania Business Forum will be held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on May 23–24…Read more 0 440 18 Share
EducationAfrica05/07/2024The 1,187 graduates of the Qwaqwa Campus celebrate receiving their degrees By Lester Shuli 1,187 students at the UFS Qwaqwa Campus got their degrees on April 12 and 13, 2024. The…Read more 0 720 17 Share
AfricaTrading05/06/2024Trade between the UK and Nigeria is worth £7 billion: British High Commissioner By Karan Lankesh Trade between the UK and Nigeria is presently valued at over £7 billion. Nigeria imports…Read more 0 451 19 Share
PoliticsAfrica05/03/2024Order to Establish a War Crimes Court by the Liberian President By Srinath Baipai Some in Liberia have gone against the court‘s creation, saying it gambles on resuming injuries…Read more 0 455 15 Share
AfricaFloods04/30/2024Devastating floods in Kenya have left over 90 people missing By Aafiya Begum Heavy flooding across Kenya has left at least 91 people missing. The floodwaters have affected…Read more 0 469 17 Share
AfricaElectronicsFloods04/29/2024The reopening of Kenya's schools has been delayed By Vidharth Sharma Due to intense rains, Kenya has delayed the reopening of its schools. Instead of reopening on…Read more 0 467 15 Share
WorldAfrica04/27/2024Freedom Day of South Africans was Celebrated Today By Robert Cooper Saturday is the 30th commemoration of that earth-shattering vote. When a huge number of Dark…Read more 0 607 17 Share
AfricaAgriculture04/26/2024Tanzania's Minister of Agriculture About the Fake Fertilizer Scandal By Karan Lankesh The Priest proceeded to hammer the Kenyan legal counselor, cautioning him not to connect Tanzania…Read more 0 674 19 Share
CryptoAfrica04/24/2024Central Bank of Nigeria Denied the False Claim of Crypto Media By Vekanth Patel As per the bank, the referenced stages are not authorized to work in Nigeria and are right now being…Read more 0 502 19 Share