AnimalsAsia12/04/2023Attacks by bears in Japan reach all-time highs By Lester Shuli 200 people have been harmed by bear attacks in Japan so far this year. In the eight months since…Read more 0 468 16 Share
AnimalsAsia11/29/2023The “saddest” elephant in the world passes away at the Manila Zoo By Coletta Andrews Mali, one of the “saddest” elephant in the world, passed away in a zoo in the…Read more 0 434 23 Share
AnimalsNatural Disaster11/27/2023Animals affected by Global Warming have chance for Migration By Srinath Baipai Global warming has a large impact on animal habitat degrees. The distribution and traits of…Read more 0 541 17 Share
Animals11/25/2023From November 27 Annual Tiger Reserve in Sunderbans Census Starting By Karan Lankesh Around 1,500 cameras have been set up in 720 key focuses to record the development of huge…Read more 0 482 17 Share
AnimalsWorld11/20/2023A New study finds Dinosaurs may be alive on some other planet By Walter Blitzer The Phanerozoic Eon is the current geological eon on the geological time scale and is a period of…Read more 0 587 16 Share
AnimalsFood11/17/2023South Korea proceeds with its goal to outlaw dog meat by 2027 By Vekanth Patel South Korea unveiled plans on Friday to terminate the nation’s dog meat industry. The dog…Read more 0 592 17 Share
AnimalsIndia11/01/2023Forest Officials in Bengaluru Shot Dead a Wandering Leopard By Srinath Baipai Confines were set up after the underlying sightings to catch the creature. Late evening watching…Read more 0 536 16 Share
AnimalsChina10/26/2023Police seize 1,000 cats and stop the illegal cat meat trade By Walter Blitzer Chinese police have saved over 1,000 cats from being killed and sold as pork or…Read more 0 690 13 Share
AnimalsArtificial Intelligence10/05/2023Tiny camera 'protects' humans and predators in the AI of the tiger By Predators are getting closer to populated areas, with tiger populations in India and Nepal on the…Read more 0 724 11 Share
AnimalsWorld09/28/2023A Newborn Rare Silvery Gibbon at a Manx Zoo By Shahina Amir The creatures are delegated jeopardized by the Worldwide Association for Protection of…Read more 0 484 14 Share
Animals09/26/2023Eastern grey kangaroos may be more "human" than previously imagined By Mi cha Eastern grey kangaroos have social lives that are comparable to those of humans. Male kangaroos…Read more 0 499 13 Share
AnimalsWorld09/24/2023Conservation efforts have been successful in preserving gorillas By Robert Cooper On September 24, we have the chance to commemorate gorillas on World Gorilla Day. Only 1,000…Read more 0 521 13 Share
Animals09/12/2023First Outdoor Steps of Amur Leopard Cub at the Park By Sandhiya Ramachandran There are something like 120 wild Amur panthers left, the Doncaster park said. The hold has a…Read more 0 519 11 Share
AnimalsWorld09/05/2023A conservation NGO buys the biggest rhino farm in the world By Mary Thomas The largest rhino farm in the world is now owned by African Parks. The purchase is essential for…Read more 0 619 11 Share
AmericasAnimals08/26/2023Most Loveable Las Vegas Peacock Pete was Found Dead By Mary Thomas Inhabitant Felicity Carter said she found the bird against a wall with a bolt standing out of…Read more 0 543 22 Share