AsiaHealth and Medical06/18/2024Preserving Health: South Korea's Striking Doctors and the Future of Healthcare By Coletta Andrews Thousands of trainee doctors in South Korea have been on strike since February, demanding increases…Read more 0 566 20 Share
CanadaHealth and Medical06/17/2024Innovating Diabetes Care: Canada Welcomes Weekly Insulin Injection By Ahmed Fardan Awiqli by Novo Nordisk offers a groundbreaking weekly basal insulin injection. Initially approved…Read more 0 483 17 Share
Health and MedicalIndia06/12/2024India's bird flu outbreak has been confirmed by the WHO By Maha Mariyappan WHO confirms second human case of avian flu (H9N2) in India 4-year-old child in West Bengal…Read more 0 415 17 Share
FoodHealth and Medical06/12/2024According to WHO, Europeans lose 370,000 lives every year due to the type of food they consume By Ajmal Khan European Health Crisis”: 2.7 million lives lost yearly to harmful products. Industries…Read more 0 451 17 Share
Health and MedicalLifestyle06/11/2024Alzheimer's disease could be slowed down by a change in diet and lifestyle By Vekanth Patel Intensive lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise, and stress management, show promise in…Read more 0 536 21 Share
Health and Medical06/10/2024Addiction to meth may be curbed by a two-drug treatment By Vekanth Patel Experimental two-drug therapy shows promise in treating methamphetamine use disorder Participants…Read more 0 360 17 Share
Health and MedicalWorld06/08/2024Global sperm counts may not be declining, according to a study By Coletta Andrews Study challenges global sperm count decline narrative Sperm concentration remains stable but…Read more 0 359 20 Share
AmericasHealth and Medical06/06/2024CDC: Mexico Man's Death Linked to Bird Flu Not Seen in Humans: WHO By Lester Shuli A 59-year-old man in Mexico City died from the H5N2 bird flu, marking the first human case…Read more 0 436 16 Share
Health and MedicalLifestyle06/04/2024Listed below are 10 wellness, health tips to help you quit smoking and have strong lungs By Aafiya Begum “Breath Renewed”: 10 Steps to Quit Smoking & Boost Lung Health “Clearing…Read more 0 470 21 Share
Health and MedicalWorld05/31/2024Awareness and Harmful Influences About Tobacco on World No Tobacco Day By Coletta Andrews As indicated by 2022 information, around the world, no less than 37 million youngsters aged 13-15…Read more 0 459 23 Share
Health and MedicalLifestyle05/30/2024Health Authorities in the UAE have Warned Against the Promotion of E-cigarettes By Christopher Jones Some vaping fluids contain exceptionally elevated degrees of nicotine, making them…Read more 0 490 22 Share
Health and MedicalLifestyle05/25/2024Approximately 50,000 Nutritional Calories Needed for a Pregnant Women By Mi cha For instance, tiny rotifers require short of what one-millionth of a calorie to make one…Read more 0 454 20 Share
Health and Medical05/24/2024Do Fish Oil Supplements Offer Too Good of an Ode? By Aafiya Begum The long-term consequences of taking fish oil supplements in correlation with cardiovascular disease…Read more 0 399 18 Share
Health and MedicalLifestyle05/23/2024A doctor explains the unsettling rationale behind washing your belly button By Mathew Anderson The navel is a region of your body that is easy to ignore, so when you’re in the shower, pay…Read more 0 442 20 Share
Health and MedicalWorld05/22/2024More Than 1 Million Sexually Transmitted Infections Acquired All Over the World By Baqee Ali Successful treatment is presently accessible for a few STIs. For hepatitis B, antivirals can help…Read more 0 542 18 Share