Health and MedicalWorld08/30/2023World's First Seven-Minute Cancer Injection by England By Maha Mariyappan The therapy is at present presented by bonding to NHS patients with a scope of…Read more 0 614 25 Share
AustraliaHealth and Medical08/29/2023For the First Time a Live Worm Found in the Women's Brain By Mathew Anderson The grasses are a living space for pythons who might have shed the parasite’s eggs through…Read more 0 640 22 Share
EuropeHealth and Medical08/24/2023UK's First Ever Womb Transplant was Done Successfully By Vekanth Patel Smith said that the lady could now get pregnant. Belly transfers have recently been completed in…Read more 0 584 22 Share
BusinessHealth and Medical08/22/2023New Global Initiative on Digital Health Launched by WHO G20 By Shahina Amir The WHO is focused on working with nations to reinforce their abilities. And to further develop…Read more 0 521 24 Share
Covid 19Health and Medical08/18/2023Despite its new variant BA.2.86, COVID-19 remains a threat to global health By Mi cha COVID-19 is still a serious threat to world health, according to WHO Director-General. The World…Read more 0 479 23 Share
Health and MedicalTechnology08/14/2023Breast cancer screenings are made possible by AI's wearable technology By Walter Blitzer MIT develops a wearable ultrasound scanner for breast cancer early detection. AI uses ultrasound…Read more 0 550 21 Share
AmericasHealth and Medical08/11/2023USA records the highest suicide rate ever By Suchitra Rather US suicides rise 2.6% in 2022, with age 65+ experiencing the highest growth. Suicide rates rise…Read more 0 625 19 Share
Health and MedicalWorld08/08/2023Substandard Medicine Alert from Iraq to the Indian Cough Syrup By Neil Budde The World Health Organisation (WHO) on Monday gave an unacceptable medication alert from Iraq for a…Read more 0 482 20 Share
AsiaHealth and Medical08/06/2023Dengue outbreak in Bangladesh that has killed 300 people By Robert Cooper At least 293 people will die and nearly 61,500 will contract dengue fever in Bangladesh by 2023.Read more 0 519 14 Share
Health and MedicalWorld08/05/2023Launching of India-UK HealthCare Alliance in India By Hoshi Joined Realm’s top Public Wellbeing Administration (NHS) designation visited India on Friday…Read more 0 540 29 Share
Health and MedicalKidsWorld08/03/2023Know About Breast Feeding in this World Breast Feeding Week 2023 By Maha Mariyappan Breast milk is a complicated fluid that has incalculable nourishing, immunological, and…Read more 0 645 20 Share
Health and MedicalLifestyle08/01/2023World Lung Cancer Day 2023: Lifestyle choices reduce risk By Robert Cooper The annual World Lung Cancer Day on August 1st strives to increase public awareness of the dangerous…Read more 0 512 23 Share
Health and MedicalLifestyle07/31/2023Increased risk of multimorbidity related to the smoking By Ahmed Fardan The presence of many chronic disorders in one person, such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart…Read more 0 497 20 Share
Health and Medical07/29/2023After AI Surgery a Paralyzed Man Regains Movement and Sensation By wpengine A Long Islander deadened in a jumping mishap has turned into a clinical “supernatural…Read more 0 474 21 Share
Health and MedicalWorld07/28/2023World Hepatitis Day Awareness by the UAE Doctors By Mary Thomas Today, July 28, is World Hepatitis Day (WHD) and it is the best opportunity to bring issues to light…Read more 0 628 21 Share