Artificial IntelligenceHealth and Medical10/13/2023AI Also Reached its Success in Spotting Melanomas By Srinath Baipai In this review, analysts evaluated more than 22,000 patients with thought skin malignant growths for…Read more 0 785 16 Share
Health and Medical10/12/2023The rate of HIV infection in Metro Atlanta is among the highest globally By Neil Budde Atlanta’s health officials are attempting to lower the city’s new HIV cases. Many…Read more 0 598 14 Share
Health and MedicalLifestyle10/11/2023There will be 10 million brain stroke deaths worldwide By Baqee Ali Brain stroke risk factors can be changed or reduced through medication and lifestyle…Read more 0 831 14 Share
EuropeHealth and Medical10/05/2023The anti-smoking initiative proposed by Rishi Sunak By Hoshi Sunak declared that the “biggest public health intervention in a generation” would be…Read more 0 583 14 Share
AsiaHealth and Medical09/30/2023Genetic Therapy Delivered with the Help of Polymer Balls By Vidharth Sharma Researchers from Tokyo have created a brand-new polymer that can carry plasmid DNA into…Read more 0 641 14 Share
CryptoHealth and MedicalNFTs09/29/2023$140K Fund for Cancer Support Charity by NFT Artist By Maha Mariyappan The show held at Château de Vallery close to Paris saw interest from 30 craftsmen. Since NFTs…Read more 0 580 17 Share
Health and MedicalKids09/29/2023A new law will make it for children to locate the parents of sperm donors By Vidharth Sharma When they turn 18, those who were born using donor sperm or eggs in the UK will be able to learn who…Read more 0 433 13 Share
Artificial IntelligenceHealth and Medical09/27/2023Using collaborative intelligence to implement AI technology in healthcare By Ahmed Fardan Collaborative intelligence is a system that uses artificial intelligence to enhance treatment. AI…Read more 0 744 19 Share
EducationHealth and Medical09/26/2023WHO wants to outlaw vaping and smoking in classrooms By Coletta Andrews To safeguard children’s health, the WHO has published Freedom from Tobacco and…Read more 0 734 22 Share
Health and MedicalIndia09/25/2023TN Government Announced Full Honour to the Organ Donors By Aafiya Begum The DMK boss said in an online entertainment post that Tamil Nadu is driving the country in organ…Read more 0 705 10 Share
Artificial IntelligenceHealth and Medical09/14/2023What is the Value of Global Artificial Intelligence in the Drug Discovery Market? By Coletta Andrews The market is supposed to develop from $1,042.3 million in 2022 to $3,739.2 million in 2027 at a…Read more 0 749 14 Share
Health and Medical09/13/2023To limit the spread of dengue fever, mosquitoes are now being bred By Lee ang The World Mosquito Program is promoting a new approach to battling the illness. On a worldwide…Read more 0 516 13 Share
Artificial IntelligenceHealth and Medical09/10/2023The largest AI model for cancer diagnosis by Microsoft and Paige By Suchitra Rather The largest image-based AI model for cancer detection in the world is being created by Microsoft and…Read more 0 696 17 Share
EuropeHealth and Medical09/07/2023The UK Government Announced to Rejoin EU's Scientific Research Scheme By Vidharth Sharma The UK is to rejoin the EU’s lead logical exploration plot, Skyline, the public authority has…Read more 0 744 12 Share
BusinessHealth and Medical09/05/2023According to the PM, France will outlaw single-use electronic cigarettes By Punya Kapoor Tunisia has seen a rise in the scarcity of imported items offered at discounted…Read more 0 661 16 Share