CanadaCovid 1910/30/2023COVID Risk is Higher for the Elderly People in Canada By Punya Kapoor Her group’s latest round of exploration assessed one demise for each of 80 recently tainted…Read more 0 725 18 Share
CanadaEducation10/28/2023Canada is Changing the System of the Foreign Students By Aafiya Begum A DLI is a school supported by a common or regional government to have worldwide…Read more 0 698 15 Share
CanadaPolitics10/27/2023Annually It Will Cost $30 Million to Protect Prime Minister By Mary Thomas As per the Bank of Canada‘s expansion mini-computer, $10.4 million out of 2003 would now be…Read more 0 690 24 Share
CanadaTechnology10/27/2023Canada's police investigate technology that accesses your home security cameras By Hoshi Canadian law enforcement agencies are investigating the possibility of using a for-profit program…Read more 0 927 18 Share
CanadaFinance10/24/2023Canada acts amid the global financial crisis to prevent recession By Christopher Jones On Thursday, Canada stepped up its efforts to strengthen its banking industry. This action is in…Read more 0 640 16 Share
CanadaEducation10/23/2023Six months to obtain a student visa for Canada By Neil Budde Students in Canada who were planning to study there now have to wait longer for their…Read more 0 646 20 Share
CanadaPolitics10/22/2023Canada promises to rebuild "professional relationship" with India By Suchitra Rather Pierre Poilievre will mend the “professional relationship” with India. Poilievre…Read more 0 524 17 Share
CanadaPolitics10/21/2023Justin Trudeau Shouted in the Canadian Mosque By Mathew Anderson A nonconformist held a bulletin on the side of Palestine as Trudeau was booed while leaving the…Read more 0 517 14 Share
CanadaPolitics10/20/202341 of the Country's Diplomats Have Been Removed From India By Neil Budde The Related Press recently announced that India had advised Canada to eliminate 41 of its 62…Read more 0 539 13 Share
BusinessCanada10/17/202360% of Canadian Small Businesses were Affected by Extreme Weather By Aafiya Begum Schwab revealed its second from last quarter results on Monday. TD is supposed to report its full…Read more 0 579 17 Share
BeveragesCanada10/16/2023Canada's New Way of Diagnosing and Treating Drinking By Coletta Andrews At a portion of a container of wine a day, Lynn considered herself a “relaxed…Read more 0 498 15 Share
CanadaSports10/13/2023Humana-Paredes and Wilkerson of Canada advance to the quarterfinals By Mary Thomas Melissa Humana-Paredes and Brandie Wilkerson progressed to the quarterfinals. In the round of 16…Read more 0 752 21 Share
CanadaWorld10/12/2023Sikh Man Who Protects Kalistani Militants Can Stay in Canada By Robert Cooper India has eagerly dismissed these cases as “ridiculous” and…Read more 0 493 96 Share
BusinessCanada10/08/2023Canadian company on the online news act By Vekanth Patel Pascale St-Onge has voiced hope for a new rule compelling Google and Meta. The Online News Act…Read more 0 516 13 Share
CanadaWorld10/07/2023US Needs Cooperation in the India-Canada Investigation By Mi cha In the meantime, amid the political disagreement, New Delhi has suspended the visa tasks to…Read more 0 651 16 Share