Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Scientist Claims MH370 Located in 6,000-Meter Ocean Trench

  • Australian researcher Vincent Lyne claims MH370 was deliberately flown into a deep trench in the Southern Indian Ocean.
  • Lyne argues the plane’s location was overlooked during previous searches.
  • He calls for a renewed search effort based on scientific evidence and calculations.

Vincent Lyne, a researcher from the University of Tasmania, has put forward a new theory regarding the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Lyne’s theory challenges the dominant narrative of an accidental crash due to fuel starvation.

MH370: New Theory Suggests Deliberate Descent into Ocean Abyss

In a fresh twist to the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, Tasmanian researcher Vincent Lyne has asserted that the plane was intentionally steered into a 6,000-meter-deep trench in the Indian Ocean. His research points to the Broken Ridge, a deep oceanic feature previously overlooked in search efforts, as the final resting place of the ill-fated aircraft. Lyne contends that the pilot executed a nearly flawless plan to make the plane disappear in one of the most remote areas on Earth.

Lyne’s hypothesis is based on a combination of satellite communication data and a flight path simulation from the pilot-in-command’s home computer. This information led him to a specific point where the longitude of Penang airport intersects with a calculated flight path. He argues that the previous search missions failed because they were focused on areas too far from the actual crash site.

The researcher also highlighted the importance of new technology in solving this enduring mystery. Advances in satellite communication analysis have provided insights that were unavailable during the initial investigations. Lyne emphasized that science has now pinpointed a location where the plane most likely lies, making it essential for search authorities to revisit this case with updated information.

Although the theory has gained attention, it remains uncertain whether search teams will be mobilized to investigate Lyne’s proposed location. The search for MH370, which has already become the most expensive in aviation history, would require significant resources and international cooperation. However, for many of the families of those lost on the flight, the pursuit of answers remains as crucial as ever.

The mystery of MH370 continues to captivate the world, and with new scientific insights from researchers like Vincent Lyne, hope remains that the final resting place of the plane may one day be uncovered. Until then, the call for further investigation echoes on, driven by both science and the enduring need for closure.

“This work changes the narrative of MH370’s disappearance from one of no-blame, fuel-starvation at the 7th arc, high-speed dive, to a mastermind pilot almost executing an incredible perfect-disappearance.”

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