- Flow, an independent European animated film, has grossed $36M worldwide, a major success for a non-studio release.
- Ne Zha 2 has become the highest-grossing animated film of all time, surpassing Inside Out 2 and hitting $2.089B.
- Both films highlight the growing influence of international animation in a market dominated by Hollywood studios.
Independent and international animation is thriving in 2025, as Flow and Ne Zha 2 achieve historic box office milestones. Flow, a visually stunning, dialogue-free animated film by Gints Zilbalodis, has grossed $36M worldwide on a modest $3.4M budget.
What makes Flow remarkable is its unique approach to storytelling—an immersive, visually driven narrative created using open-source software Blender. The film’s success at the Oscars and Golden Globes has further cemented its place in animation history.
Breaking Barriers: ‘Flow’ and ‘Ne Zha 2’ Redefine Animation’s Global Appeal
While Hollywood dominates the animation industry, 2025 has shown that independent and international films can compete on a global scale. Flow, produced in Latvia, Belgium, and France, has demonstrated the potential of indie animation with its worldwide success. In contrast, Ne Zha 2, produced in China, has proven that local storytelling can resonate worldwide, surpassing Hollywood giants in revenue.
Flow made waves at major film festivals before being distributed across multiple territories, including North America, Mexico, and Europe. Its success challenges the notion that animated films need to be backed by major studios like Pixar or DreamWorks to find a significant audience. The film’s minimalist yet evocative storytelling has been praised for its artistry and emotional depth.
On the other hand, Ne Zha 2 is rewriting box office history, surpassing even Star Wars: The Force Awakens on the all-time highest-grossing films list. Its Lunar New Year release propelled it to become the highest-grossing single-market animated film, proving the strength of China’s domestic market. Additionally, the film’s performance in IMAX theaters, earning $150M, underscores the increasing demand for visually spectacular animated epics.
With these successes, the landscape of global animation is evolving. Flow shows that independent films can achieve both critical and commercial success, while Ne Zha 2 proves that international markets can set new box office benchmarks. Both films exemplify the growing appetite for diverse storytelling in animation, challenging Hollywood’s long-standing dominance.
The success of Flow and Ne Zha 2 signals a shift in the animation industry, where diverse voices and independent productions can thrive. As international markets continue to grow, animation is no longer confined to Hollywood’s influence—it’s a global phenomenon with limitless possibilities.
“Animation is not a genre. Animation is film.” – Brad Bird