FoodWorld10/16/2023World Food Day 2023: Importance and the Background By Suchitra Rather October 16th, 2023, is designated as World Food Day. Future Food Day is a chance for people all…Read more 0 716 16 Share
BusinessFoodMiddle East10/13/2023Egg in Daily Diet to Boost Health and Support By Mathew Anderson By diminishing the requirement for significant distance transportation, Jenan eggs help to save fuel…Read more 0 568 12 Share
FoodIndia10/13/2023India was 111 in the Global Hunger Index 2023 By Lester Shuli With a score of 28.7 on the Worldwide Yearning File 2023, India has a serious degree of craving, the…Read more 0 903 18 Share
CommodityFood10/06/2023September saw no change in the global food price index By Christopher Jones A stable global price index was announced by the FAO for September. The average price index for…Read more 0 766 15 Share
FoodWorld10/02/2023Humanitarian aid from Australia totaling $5 million is sent to Afghanistan By Bellitah James Australia is donating $5 million in humanitarian aid to the OCHA. the Australian government…Read more 0 526 11 Share
FoodShopping09/23/2023Know Something Before Going for the Grocery Shopping By Lee ang This large number of costs are for July of the year referred to. Hamburger has seen the absolute…Read more 0 584 14 Share
AsiaFishingFood09/20/2023China's Seafood Imports Decreased by 67% of the Fukushima By Lester Shuli That was somewhere near more than 67% from that very month a year prior. The fall was a lot more…Read more 0 620 17 Share
FoodWorld09/15/2023The UN's food head estimates that one in ten people globally go to bed hungry every night By Vidharth Sharma Over 700 million people worldwide are believed to be food insecure and food demand is…Read more 0 843 14 Share
FoodTradingWorld09/04/2023Russia is Now Ready to Discuss About Ukraine Grain Deal By Karan Lankesh Romania denied a Ukrainian explanation that Russian robots fell and exploded on the NATO…Read more 0 539 18 Share
FoodLifestyle09/02/2023Here are a Few Simple Strategies to Avoid Overeating By Lee ang Drink a glass of water before dinner to assist with controlling your craving. Skipping dinners…Read more 0 703 19 Share
AsiaFoodTrading08/24/2023Ban for Japanese Seafood Because of the Fukushima Release By Ahmed Fardan Beijing had proactively suspended all food imports from 10 out of 47 Japanese prefectures. It was…Read more 0 679 31 Share
FoodWorld08/20/2023World's Longest Covered Brownie from the Kerala Bakery By Mary Thomas On March 26, 2023, the football arena went through a change to oblige this immense brownie…Read more 0 631 19 Share
Food08/01/2023Celebration of the Indian Food and Culture at Colorado By Shahina Amir Prepare to enjoy a festival of Indian food and culture at the main Colorado Springs Indian Food…Read more 0 479 18 Share
EmergencyFoodWorld07/26/2023Immediate Solution Needs to be Found for the Food Supply Crisis By Suchitra Rather With the non-recharging of the grain transporting understanding among Russia and Ukraine…Read more 0 478 22 Share
FoodWorld07/22/2023Russia is under pressure as China requests a new grain agreement By Srinath Baipai At the UN Security Council, Russia has been under increasing pressure as several countries…Read more 0 518 23 Share